
Case Study: Full Stack Development for API and UI Revamp in Laravel 8

📑 Overview Common Change is a collaborative giving platform that enables users to pool resources and support others in need 🤝. The goal was to enhance the Common Change platform’s performance, accessibility, and ease of use 🌐. Raman Ladhani and the Computer & Electronics Lab were tasked with developing an API and revamping the front-end […]

Case Study: Custom Odoo Module for NLP Chatbot Integration with CRM Functions

Overview: 🚀 This case study explores the development of a custom Odoo module integrating NLP chatbot features with CRM functionalities, specifically designed for small business owners. The objective was to create a user-friendly system that streamlines customer relationship management, appointment scheduling, and task handling, while also providing an interactive conversational interface. The integration of NLP […]

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